Tag Archives: Germantown Hills Illinois

3 reasons, 1 session


We got three sessions taken care of all in one with this wonderful family! I can’t believe that I have been doing pictures with them for almost two years. I have loved every session I have had with them! So we got little brothers 6 month pictures, big sisters 2 year pictures, and some sweet family pictures.





I am Undoubtedly Hugely Blessed


This year was my first year actually marketing for doing weddings. I actually got started in doing photography (more then just for fun), because a friend came to me and asked me to photograph her wedding. I said yes (of course). Then I started planning my own wedding and realized what a serious job this was. I tried to “back out”, but long story made short I did it!
That first wedding is not my finest work (of course). I had friends who were going to mentor me, but we never had time. So they were teaching me things I needed to know via text…on my way to the wedding. It was inside an old poorly lit church, on a super gross rainy day.
I never wanted to shoot another wedding again, end of story!
I shot a wedding with some friends, just for experience, and then last year I had a wedding for a friend as well and I had photographed 2 receptions. Nothing amazing, nothing horrible!
Last Labor day though, I got to tag along with another wedding photographer (one of the sweetest gals alive) at my cousins wedding. COMPLETELY different and amazing situation. Then and there I fell in love with it!

So, I decided to become more accepting of wedding photography. I am so excited that I have booked 7 weddings this year, with a possibility of 2 more! How amazing, what a huge blessing! It has been a little crazy with a newborn, a 3 yr old and all the time that weddings require but I have yet to regret it!

This beautiful wedding was the first one of the year, while my little miss G was only a few weeks old. Leaving her was rotten, the wedding completely made up for that though!
This was a wedding about second chances and happily-ever-afters! Gorgeous, wonderful, a huge blessing (for everyone, not just me). So here are some of the images I captured =D








Sunday Snow Day


After a Saturday of mini session (which were wrapped up in the last blog) I had a couple on Sunday…we also got 8 inches of snow that day! At least we weren’t Springfield who got 18 inches! This year has been a weird one for the weather already!

I am going to put both of the sessions from that day in this one so that my odds of getting caught up before this little baby arrives are a little higher =D (I’m pretty sure having a 3 yr old does damage to the possibilities, but we will try anyways )

Mr B, had no interest in pictures at all. He really just wanted to get to hang out with my little miss, and…well…avoid the camera =)


Then we had miss R, who was a busy little diva. And just so sweet. Poor girl came out on Saturday for outdoor mini sessions, but it had turned about too colld and windy for her to be happy. She was glad to be inside for the rest of her pictures on Sunday



Miss A and Miss B in their Easter best


These little ladies came in their Easter best, TOO PRECIOUS! They may have enjoyed playing with Zoeys today more then me posing them and moving them all around, but they sure are some pretty ladies and we got some sweet shots!




Little Man


A couple of weeks ago we did some 3 mo pictures of a handsome little man! He was even sweet enough to put a nice scratch on his face right before pictures! But we fixed that all up and have some super sweet pictures to share with you!




We had to get some sweet pictures of big sister as well! I can’t believe she will be 2 this summer! It seems like I just did her first session a couple months ago!



I did a couple of the Easter mini sessions this past weekend! It was windy and chilly but I had a couple of little troopers! I will be posting their sessions over the next couple of days, as well as finishing up some more props for the mini sessions this coming weekend! Praying, praying and praying some more for a drastic change in weather for this coming weekend! We want gorgeous weather for these Easter minis! Sunshine and warmth please!

12 minis planned for this coming Saturday, as well as a 2 yr session Sunday, and a couple of sessions during that following week!
I can’t believe that it will then be Easter, and then I will have a new baby to welcome into the world after that! Life just goes faster and faster all of the time!

Hoping to get some more time in here blogging and sharing our last weeks of prebaby insanity, as well as the new baby crazies =D

Have a blessed Tuesday!



SOO excited for session season to get started back up! For anyone who may be interested I am offering some discounts right now!
If you sign up for my to photograph your wedding by the end of January (tomorrow), you will get a beautiful discount!
I am also offering a free cd for the first person to sign up for a session each month! So far I have February and March spoken for (possibly April)
Last but not least, I am doing boudior sessions for $50, an hour session, and a cd with your print release form!

If any of these interest you, let me know! I would love to work with you.

Also, don’t forget that I am due April 21st…so I will only be working the first week of April, and then I wont be taking more sessions until the end of May/beginning of June!

So, go ahead…shoot me an email, and lets get your session on the books!

A Christmas mini…just a little on the late side!


Oh, my goodness. I just realized I have yet to share some posts from Christmas minis!  Things have been as crazy as ever at our house, and to make it even more interesting I’m pretty sure I am in full on nesting mode now! =P

Here are a couple of shots from the K family!Image



sweet little man


I loved getting to meet this families new little man! I have been honored to work with his big sister, and I am very excited to get to spend time with him over the next year! I love watching his sister grow, and cannot wait to do the same with this little guy!
I hope you enjoy seeing some of their sweet pictures!






sweet little lady


I was so excited to meet miss M, and I can’t believe that she is already here! She was cooperative enough to make up for big brother not wanting anything to with the session =P







some more mini sessions


Last year I did Christmas mini sessions, my dad had moved to Florida and his house up here was still open. It seriously was an absolutely perfect situation. I got to do some set ups that I absolutely adored. This year, however, I was out of luck seeing as his house is being rented out. There is also absolutely NO WAY that I could do family sessions in my little house. And, while we talk about how wonderfully our garage would work for something of the sort…its P.A.C.K.E.D. with junk (this is on my project list…get that garage clean and organized!). So, I tried being prepared and thinking ahead, planning an outdoor mini session…family ones…that would have the option of being Christmas themed. NO ONE SIGNED UP, ok well 2 people. I love those 2 people for it, but theres no way I am putting all that work into it for 2 sessions, and spending the same amoutn of money on props that I would end up making!

So instead, I offered minis for others for a little bit more money, that could pretty much be whenever and wherever as long as they were before the 8th =D

I had so much interest, some of them have already been blogged, but here are some more!









ps…nest year there will be organized mini sessions…there will definitely be boudior (hopefully in january), Easter/spring (outdoor and indoor locations depending on weather), and Christmas!!