Tag Archives: photography

A Totally Awesome 40th Birthday


I got invited to capture moments from a beautiful ladies birthday party! She invited all her friends, and they brought out their best from the 80’s!







A sweet engagement…


So this sneak (as well as the next couple ones) are coming a bit late! But I suppose late is better then never! We are having a beautiful time over here getting to know our little princess, and soaking up every minute with her that we can! Busy editing away during any down time that we have though! So here are some pictures from a sweet engagement session that I did before this sweet girl. I am so very excited for their wedding over the summer!




A Christmas mini…just a little on the late side!


Oh, my goodness. I just realized I have yet to share some posts from Christmas minis!  Things have been as crazy as ever at our house, and to make it even more interesting I’m pretty sure I am in full on nesting mode now! =P

Here are a couple of shots from the K family!Image



some more mini sessions


Last year I did Christmas mini sessions, my dad had moved to Florida and his house up here was still open. It seriously was an absolutely perfect situation. I got to do some set ups that I absolutely adored. This year, however, I was out of luck seeing as his house is being rented out. There is also absolutely NO WAY that I could do family sessions in my little house. And, while we talk about how wonderfully our garage would work for something of the sort…its P.A.C.K.E.D. with junk (this is on my project list…get that garage clean and organized!). So, I tried being prepared and thinking ahead, planning an outdoor mini session…family ones…that would have the option of being Christmas themed. NO ONE SIGNED UP, ok well 2 people. I love those 2 people for it, but theres no way I am putting all that work into it for 2 sessions, and spending the same amoutn of money on props that I would end up making!

So instead, I offered minis for others for a little bit more money, that could pretty much be whenever and wherever as long as they were before the 8th =D

I had so much interest, some of them have already been blogged, but here are some more!









ps…nest year there will be organized mini sessions…there will definitely be boudior (hopefully in january), Easter/spring (outdoor and indoor locations depending on weather), and Christmas!!

a few families I happen to adore


I love being a photographer. I love capturing people and their moments….making it so they can have tangible memories forever!  I meet amazing people…some remain clients, some become friends.  I am truely so incredibly blessed to be able to do a job that I love.

What makes it even better…to photograph people who mean a lot to you!

This first session is a beautiful family who I have been blessed to have in my life for years.  We don’t share any blood but they might as well be part of our family!!



Next is one of the families that started as an aquaintence that I photographed (we did a free maternity to build my portfolio).  Since the first session we have worked together handful of times and they are very dear to my heart!  A beautiful loving Godly mama, who I know I can turn to for about any situation, and she takes a wonderful family with her everywhere!




Now, the last one I will share for this blog 😉 is another one of the pastors from my church!  They are a couple that my husband and I look up to!  They are wonderful christians and equally as wonderful parents!  Oh…and there kids….are pretty much completely precious.  Another incredible blessing in our lives! (GOD richly blesses us with wonderful people)

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sigh…happy heart


This is my second time working with this beautiful mama.  Her and her little man were charmers at their last session, this tim eher boyfriend and his son came along.  They were seriously so incredibly wonderful to work with, and their love was BEAUTIFUL to capture.  I already told them I call dibs on engagement and wedding pictures!!!!





The Ice cream man


This family makes (and sells) the BEST ice cream in the area!  Uncle Bobs Ice Cream, YUMMMM!  unfortunately, they are not anwhere close to me (fortunate to my health though =P)  First we did a small part of the family/baby pictures, then we did the “big family”.  It was a great way to spend part of my Sunday!








a day of mini sessions


This was a month or two ago (but hey that means I’m catching up right!).  Three mini sessions out at my grandparents farm.  So why not blog them together as well

First was the Blakely family. SO sweet, not even kidding!  I adore the mama (and she makes the best cakes and cupcakes), and I want to make our families friends! =P


After that was a session I gave as gift! Zoey was sooo blessed to have amazing teachers for her first year of preschool.  I also must add that I worked at a daycare for 4 years, so I know how silly gifting can be….totally weird random things that you don’t even know what to do with, great gifts and everything in between. So after thinking and thinking, I decided the best thing I had to give to these wonderful teachers would be a free mini session.
So here is the session with one of them, hoping to get the other one in..sometime ;]





The last session of the day was also a freebie. The session was for one of the pastors at our church, my way of saying thank you for pastor appreciation month!  We have four pastors at our church and they are all terrific, and make a great team…definitely hand picked by The Big Guy.






I wish I had this much energy


These kids, must honestly be the most energetic kids ALIVE! =D
And I kind of love it!

I always love getting to work with a family more then once! Especially a family as pretty as this one…and editing pretty families is as much fun as taking their pictures!

DSC_8794copy4DSC_8623copy4Since the kids were in love with all the room to run (and the ability to take advantage of it)) mom and dad got their own section of the session....so sweetDSC_8878copy4DSC_8663copy4

whoops, my apologies


Somehow, when wokring on catching up on blogs I missed two whole sessions.  I know that I am so far behind on this that everyone I have blogged has already seen their cd, but I like to put them on here anyways….for people to share with out of town families, and for everyone else to see.

First is a super sweet young lady who needed some images for a pageant she was in! She was such a joy to work with (and super photogenic)!

 And how could I possibly forget about this sweet mommy daughter duo!